• Before any non-faculty individual is allowed to service an LHSAA member school in ANY capacity, he/she SHALL complete the NFHS – Fundamentals of Coaching with the Louisiana Component Course.  The cost of the course is $140.00. The only way to pay for the course is at the time of the registration with the NFHS with a credit card.

  • Once the individual completes the course, he/she will receive a certificate of completion from the NFHS. This certificate and certificate number will be necessary to complete the registration process.

  • This certificate will be taken to the principal of the member school that the individual is servicing.

  • The prospective CECP / NON FACULTY coach must then register for a background check.  This is done by getting the Principal to call the Cameron Parish School Board Office and requesting a background check be done.

  • The Cameron Parish School Board Office will contact the prospective coach once the background check has been scheduled, and will let the prospective coach know when and where to be for the background check. the cost of the background check is $55.​

  • Once the background check has been SUCCESSFULLY completed and passed, the principal will register the non-faculty individual as a coach at his/her respective school.

  • The principal and the non-faculty individual will fill out the LHSAA/Non-Faculty Coach Meeting Verification Form.       Click here to get form

  • Once the non-faculty individual has been registered online and the Meeting Verification Form filled out completely, the certificate and Meeting Verification Form must be placed in the coaches' school folder.

Only after the above mentioned steps are complete, shall the non-faculty coach be eligible to begin coaching at the member school that they are servicing.

Failure to complete the NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching with the Louisiana Component Course will result in the individual being considered an illegal coach and the school shall be subject to all fines and penalties including the individual being prohibited from performing coaching duties at all levels of play in all LHSAA schools.

Once certified, non-faculty coaches can serve as assistant coaches in any sport. Please refer to the LHSAA handbook for limitations on the number of these coaches a school can utilize.

To retrieve certificate numbers, log in to your NFHS account or contact the NFHS at (317) 565-2023.

To verify a coach after November 2009, go to www.nfhslearn.org, click User Lookup.